In retail media we trust
Trust is one of the most important assets when you sell ads. Based on a Forbes study in 2020, almost half of the advertisers […]
Trust is one of the most important assets when you sell ads. Based on a Forbes study in 2020, almost half of the advertisers […]
Here is an eCommerce media intro slideshow we recently presented and thought it is worth sharing even without the talking. If you want […]
For those of you who prefer short presentations we have gathered the most important reasons for doing Sponsored Products and packed them in […]
Alors que de nouveaux canaux numériques et outils publicitaires ne cessent d’apparaître et d’évoluer, il n’y a pas de changement fondamental dans le […]
We have gathered some interesting information and stats about eCommerce, consumers behavior, advertising and other interesting related stuff and turned it into these 7 infographics.
You can download it as a PDF (link inside)
“If marketing has one goal, it’s to reach consumers at the moments that most influence their decisions.” These are the opening words of […]